Monday, November 12, 2007

the one of sometings which I love - 2

I love to go to the gym at the U of C about two or three times a week. I like to feel pain in my body after I work out.
When I was a child, I was very weak. I had weak eyes and a thin body like a chopstick. Whenever the seasons changed, I caught a cold. Furthermore, I had to work sitting at my desk all day long. Finally, I got a pain in my waist which made me very stiff.
I had to do something about my health. First of all, I quit smoking. I had been smoking about 2 packs of cigarettes a day since I started to smoke 11 years ago.
Then I got a personal trainer to help me train correctly. It was very expensive but I invested in my self-improvement. However, it was not easy for me because I had to work 13 hours a day so I had no time.
Nowadays I am so happy in Calgary because I can get enough time to exercise for my health and I feel much better than before. I can't find my big beer belly which I had before.
Moreover, I can help my friends to correctly exercise like my trainer taught me. I enjoy helping my friends work out in the gym. I know the most important things are the order of exercising, the methods of breathing and using the equipment. If someone doesn't know the order, he or she could get hurt.
I don't want my body to look like a professional. I just want to keep my good health. So who is he in the picture? Me? Absolutely not. (ㅡ.ㅡ;;) Actually I don't know whose body is in the picture, but I know if I want to make my body look like the picture, I would have to stop eating all delicious foods and eat only chicken breasts, protein drugs and energy bars and I don't want to do that.


Jeff L. said...

Why did you steal my picture? Ha ha, just kidding. Hope you have a good workout.

Eldiar said...

hi it's Eldiyar
you have very good blog and good informetion.
you ferst car it's very nice!
ok. see you

Vicky~* said...

Wow~ I didn't know that you don't have a big beer belly~ haha, I think I have to exercise for my health. Actually I'm so strong but I wanna be looked stronger~ But one of my friends said me,"You don't have to run, just make muscles." Is he arlight?? I like go to gym too. When I finishied the exercise I feel happier! Something fresh felling!

krajcer said...

Are you in this picture?
see you

yapy said...

I'm so sorry, Jeff. I didn'n Know that the picture was yours, HaHa.

Hey! Vicky, if you want me to do, I would make your exercise plan. *^.^*

Nice to meet you, guys. Welcome my blog, I will go your blogs, too. HaHa.

Kevin said...

I've been living one week with chicken brest and eggs and something others...because of my friend who has been crazy to build good body...
It was so terrible....I couldn't maintain that...
But, I learned lots of thing that blong to build good body with healt training.

sujin said...

hi~ jason! Thank you for your
advice.. I know but I'm getting tired of whole things..I'll be better..^^ I have terrible stomachache now.. so I was absent for 2days.. I'm very very boring..
see you!!
Your picture of main is nice..^^

yapy said...

I agree with Kevin. we should enjoy exercising.
And Sujin, I hope you to feel better, sooner.

Haruka said...

I want to be a thin body like a chopstick!!hahaha
I have gone to U of C gym just one time. I don't want to go there alone.Can I go there with you??After that, let's go to any kinds of traditional reataurants!! We should go to next restaurant!(^^)!

Sawako said...

Hi Yapy, it's Sawako.
I've never been to the gym.
Also, Ican't remember when is my last exercise....

yapy said...

Hi, Haruka. I usually go to gym every Tuseday, Thursday and Saturday after school. If you go there those days, I could help you.

And Sawako, Thank you for your visiting my blog. I think you'd beeter exercise than eat or go shopping for relieving your stress. ^^l

pAo said...

hello how are you??
i am good
and it is great that you do exercise it is a good idea and it is healty.

see you

take care

bye bye
